1 Powerful Voice

Turn Politics Back To The People

    It is essential that we reform the selection process for federal candidates. We must address the exorbitant costs of elections, hold candidates accountable for their stance on term limits, and demand that they engage directly with policy questions. Only by doing so can we ensure a government that truly represents the interests of the people.

    Imagine hiring someone who refuses to clearly explain how they will contribute to the company's success.

    In 2024, spending on U.S. federal elections surpassed $15.9 billion, making it the costliest election cycle ever. Shockingly, 94 percent of congressional races are won by the candidates who spend the most, and 86 percent of Senate races follow suit. Where does all this funding originate?

    To put things in perspective, the amount spent on federal elections, in 2024, could have bought 53,000 starter homes, providing shelter for over 212,000 citizens. Alarmingly, we repeat this process every two years with candidates spending more each election year.

    This poses an urgent question: Do our politicians genuinely serve the needs of the voters, or are they primarily loyal to their financial supporters and party interests?

    The Problem

    1powerfulvoice.com STOP choosing candidates based on biased media commentators, radio and TV ads.

    1powerfulvoice.com Stop choosing candidates that do not support term limits.

    1powerfulvoice.com STOP the use of special interest money.

    1powerfulvoice.com STOP voting for candidates who refuse to answer questions about their policies..


    1powerfulvoice.com START by forming the largest organized group of registered voters, regardless of political affiliation.

    1powerfulvoice.com START by providing politicians with voter polling insights to help them grasp the pulse of their constituents.

    1powerfulvoice.com START by registering to vote and committing to vote in every election.

    1powerfulvoice.com START by requiring candidates to provide their detailed policy positions.

    1powerfulvoice.com START by becoming informed voters about each candidate's policies.

    1powerfulvoice.com START by joining our life-time founders membership for only $35.

    1powerfulvoice.com START by referring your friends and get paid $10 for each referral and watch us grow.

Special interest money does impact our elections

A record $15.9 billion for the 2024 election

Overall, the financial landscape for the 2024 federal elections is shaping up to be one of the most expensive in U.S. history, with total campaign spending expected to significantly surpass previous cycles.

Career Politicians

Only 20% of the public has confidence in the government in Washington. For many, a career in Congress is more about building wealth, wielding political power, and mingling with the elite than serving the public. With no checks and balances, this is the only job where the employee is allowed to give himself a raise.


Special Interest/Dark Money Donations

Recent reports reveal a staggering $5.65 billion in contributions from special interest groups, a figure that continues to climb with each election cycle. This mounting financial influence underscores the growing power of these groups in shaping our political landscape.

Impact on Elections

Voters consider several policy issues very critical when making their voting decisions. However, the current system allows politicians to evade questions by using various techniques, such as attacking the question, providing incomplete answers, or changing the subject. This can leave voters frustrated and uninformed about candidates' policy positions.

1 Powerful Voice Changes Everything

At 1 Powerful Voice, candidates are encouraged to address the top policy questions of our members. Candidates can reach millions of registered voters at no cost. This helps voters make informed decisions when casting their votes.

Candidates On The Major Issues

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Presidential Candidates For President of the United State

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Examine the leading presidential candidates and their visions and policy for the future of the United States. their perspectives is crucial for making an informed decision that will shape our nation’s direction.


Senate Candidates For President of the United State

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Compare all 33 U.S. Senate races and candidates running for office.


Congressional Candidates For President of the United State

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Compare all candidates running for the 435 open seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.